Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award

Posted on Sunday, January 11, 2015 12:00 AM

This award is special because it is meant to connect women all over the world!  We were nominated by the lovely Tessa from Crazy for YA

Here's the rules if you are nominated:

1. Thank the blogger who nominated you and link back to their website.
2. Put the award logo on your blog to show that you are now part of the sisterhood.
3. Answer the ten questions from the blogger who nominated you.
4. Nominate ten bloggers.
5. Write ten questions for your nominees to answer.

Here's the questions that Tessa has asked:

What is your favorite book-to-movie adaptation?

     Christy: I would definitely have to say The Fault In Our Stars by John Green. This is one of the very few adaptations that I have seen that has stayed true to the book.

     Erica: I would also have to go with The Fault in Our Stars by John Green. This book brought me out of my reading slump, thanks to my amazing boyfriend, and the movie was just as amazing.

If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?

     Christy: Probably Hawaii, my husband has always wanted to go there.

     Erica: I have to say New York because my boyfriend lives there so a visit there is always in need, but other than that Greece. 

If your personality could be represented in a color, which one would it be?

     Christy: Okay, this is a hard one!  I've always been a bit indecisive about everything so I'm going to cheat a little and say rainbow :)

     Erica: I am with Christy this is a hard one, but I'll have to say grey. I am a very keep it to myself person, shy, and I want to say boring (but doesn't that sound awful?). Anyway, so grey.

What is your favorite thing about reading?

     Christy: Going to a different place for a little while.  After all, we do live a thousand lives, right?

     Erica: Getting away and falling in love with different stories and characters. It's so nice to see the stories that different people live (even if it is a work of fiction).

What is your favorite thing about blogging?

     Christy: Meeting fellow book lovers and having someone to fangirl with!

     Erica: I love talking about books with other people and meeting new friends. I am so shy so when people reach out to me it's so awesome :)

If you could meet any author, who would it be and what would you say to them?

     Christy: I actually met my favorite author back in February of last year and I didn't really say much, I was in shock haha.  There's really a whole list of authors that I would love to meet, JLA, Darynda Jones, Kresley Cole and Tahereh Mafi just to name a few.

     Erica: Colleen Hoover. She is just so down to earth, funny, and seems like such an amazing author and person. I wouldn't know what to say. I guess, 'Thank you.' She wrote so many wonderful books and *FANGIRL TIME* replied to an e-mail of mine.

What is your favorite knock-knock joke?


Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Needle who?
Needle little money for some books.

Knock, knock. Who's there? You. You, who?

What was your favorite book of 2014?

     Christy: Ahhhhhhhh, you're killing me with these tough questions! I'm going to have to cheat again and say The Book of Ivy, Ignite Me and Amour Amour :)

     Erica: Maybe Someday by Colleen Hoover.

Do you prefer an e-reader or a paperback?

     Christy: Paperback.  I love having the physical book in my hands, plus if its a favorite, I have to have a copy on my shelves.

     Erica: Completely with Christy on this one. Having a Kindle is definitely convenient and they are cheap to get (which is always a plus), but I love being able to turn the pages and keep it on my shelf.

What are you looking forward to the most in 2015?

     Christy: Finally getting done with school (hopefully) and there's also a ton of awesome sounding books coming out this year!

     Erica: Hopefully going on my first cruise with my boyfriend and hopefully branching out and doing much more for this blog :)

We Nominate:

Genesis @ GenGenBookBlog
Pam & Sheri @ [YA] Escape from Reality
Camillia @ Twenty Three Owls
Lauren @ Always Me
Kirsty @ Studio Reads

Our Questions:

What book was your biggest disappointment in 2014?

If you could be friends with a character (boy and girl, if you'd like) who would you choose?

What book would you like to become a movie/TV show?

What famous person would send you into total fangirl/boy mode?

What is your favorite show to splurge on while watching Netflix?

If you had three wishes, what would you wish for (and no, you can't ask for more wishes)?

What is the most mind blowing book you've read?

What is the last book that made you ugly cry?

What is your favorite ice cream?

Which couple do you ship the most?

author image


Christy is a 27 year old wife, mother, nursing student and self proclaimed book addict. When she's not busy spending time with her family or learning to save lives, you can find her with a book in her hands, and a smile on her face.

Comments (9)

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Your answers were really interesting to read. And btw JLA is amazing.. So SWEET AND JUST GAHH the nicest and most generous author I've ever met. You guys are right... TFIOS was a fantastic book-to-movie adaptation! Yay come get your groove on in New York! I just recently posted a Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award, but I edited and put the answers to your questions in it. Feel free to check it out and thanks so much for tagging me :D
My recent post Featured Blogger: Book Stop Corner
Hawaii and New York are great destinations! Paperback always! Hahahaha I love the knock-knock jokes ;) Ignite Me was a great book, loved i! I still need to read Colleen Hover's books.

Thanks for the tag <33
My recent post ARC Review ~ City of Savages by Lee Kelly +Giveaway
Great answers! Thanks for answering my questions. I actually think that having more than one answer is good for these questions.
By the way, I love the color gray. There are so many different shades, it is so versatile! There is everything from a blue-gray to silver.
I have always wanted to go to both New York. So many amazing books are set in New York. The city is so full of life.
I love your knock-knock jokes (especially since Erica's is from Frozen)! I am definitely going to have to use them.
Good luck with your goals for 2015. I cannot wait to see what else you have in store for your blog.

My recent post Taylor Swift Book Tag
Thanks for tagging me! I'll do my best to find time to do this - I love the questions. Right now, I'm in 'get-ready-for-exams mode' so I don't know when I'll find the time :)
Have a fantastic Sunday!
My recent post Sunday Post #14 – #COYER, COYER, COYER
Thanks very much for the nomination!
Great responses - I particularly enjoyed those knock-knock jokes! :D
1 reply · active 529 weeks ago
I just finished mine! Here's my post.

Thanks again for the nomination!
My recent post The Bookish Identity Tag
Thank you for the nomination:D Will do it soon! Christy, Congrats on finishing school and Erica a cruise sound so cool:D Too bad I don't like boats:P
I loved both TFIOS as a book, and as a film. It really did stay true to the novel. I'm getting the impression that Erica likes Colleen Hoover haha. Great post!
My recent post Reading As A Blogger Vs. Reading As A Reader
Ooh yes The Fault in Our Stars was such a lovely book adaptation! OMFG YOUR JOKES ARE SO ON POINT. *dies of laughter*
My recent post Review: Ashes to Ashes by Jenny Han and Siobhan Vivian

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