Erica & I are teaming up with the amazing Genesis from GenGen's Book Blog for the Booking Into Spring Read-A-Thon and we have some awesome Mini-Challenges, Twitter Chats and GIVEAWAYS planned!
This idea came from the other Readathons out there like, Love for Books hosted by Novel Heartbeat, Bout of Books Readathon, The Ho-Ho-Ho Readathon hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer and The Wonderfully Wicked Readathon hosted by My Shelf Confessions.
How it Works:
- The Booking Into Spring Read-A-Thon will run from Sunday, April 26th at 12:01 AM through Friday, May 1st at 11:59 PM.
- We will be having mini challenges everyday, you can choose to participate or not. It’s totally up to you!
- We will also be doing a few Twitter chats using hashtag #BiSReadathon
- Details on the mini-challenges and Twitter chats will be posted on our Kick-off post on April 26th!
- There will also be one BIG giveaway, the winner will come from those participating, and we will also have smaller giveaways for the mini-challenges and chats.
- Sign up at GenGen’s Book Blog or Novel Ink. You may join whenever you like, but to be eligible for our grand prize giveaway, you must sign up by April 28th.
- Make a sign-up post and add your post URL to the linky below! You can put your goals and progress (will be required for the final giveaway) in your sign-up post. You can also go back to this original goals post and update what you have read. Here’s an example.
- Follow along on Twitter and tweet your progress with the #BiSReadathon hashtag!
- To enter for the grand prize, you must have a post to keep track of your progress so we can see that you participated.
Feel free to grab the button for your blog!
Any Questions? You can leave a comment below or ask us on Twitter! (@c_bookaddiction, @_ericalyn9 or @gengenbookblog)