INKED | Angie from Pinkindle

Posted on Thursday, January 15, 2015 12:00 AM
Please welcome our very first INKED guest, Angie from Pinkindle!

Name: Angie

Website: Pinkindle

Tell us a little about yourself: Eek! I hate talking about myself! I'm Angie, obviously, and I'm fond of books, movies, animals, nail polish, The Sims, and cheese.

When did you get your first tattoo? I got it on the morning of my 18th birthday! That was 6 long years ago.
When did you get your last tattoo? That would also be the morning of my 18th birthday! I only have one so far. Tattoos are pricey! LoL

Do you have a favorite? N/A

Is there a special meaning behind any of your tattoos? Nope. I just liked it. Hummingbirds are my favorite animal, and I saw this one on the wall and knew it was for me. I'm not one to think that tattoos need to be meaningful. If you like it and want it on your body, go for it!

Are you planning on getting anymore? Definitely! I have plans for a few...
1) Pink Panther: He was suppose to be my first tattoo, but I couldn't decide how I wanted him posed or where on my body. In fact, I still don't know! But it'll happen!
2) Snake: I want a snake wrapped around my ankle and coming down onto my foot.
3) Tree of Life: I want a big tree on my back with flowers and birds and other animals and insects. All kinds of colorful stuff within the branches and on the trunk. I need it drawn first though.
4) Three daisies whose stems are intertwined and bent into a heart at the bottom. I also want the center of each flower to be a smiley face, a peace sign, and a yin-yang. I also need this one drawn up. I want it on my other shoulder, but higher up since I need space for the tree!
5) A Jolly Roger: I love pirates. This one will probably go on my hip.


Tell us a little about your blog:
My blog is a little more than three years old, and I'm really proud of it! It's definitely not a "big" blog and I don't host giveaways or have any interesting features, but it's mine, and I really think it shows my personality. It doesn't fit into any niche, since I review everything. I don't think I could stick with one genre happily. I need to read from all over the place! My goal is really just to share my thoughts on what I'm reading and hopefully help others find something they're interested in (or help them avoid something they'd hate!).

Thank for joining us today, Angie!  We really enjoyed seeing your ink :)

If you are an author or blogger with a tattoo and are interested in being our guest on INKED, you can find all of the information HERE.

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Christy is a 27 year old wife, mother, nursing student and self proclaimed book addict. When she's not busy spending time with her family or learning to save lives, you can find her with a book in her hands, and a smile on her face.
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