Great picks! If I Stay made my list too, such an emotional but beautiful book. I remember Thirteen Reasons Why really getting to me as well. I'm hoping to read Hopeless and Losing Hope soon and both will probably make me cry (I've seen them on quite a few lists). My TTT :)
I like your list. We had some of the same picks like If I Stay, TFIOS, and Allegiant. I forgot about Thirteen Reasons Why and The Catastrophic History of You and Me. I haven't read your other picks, I need to add them to my TBR list.
The Beginning of After looks really good. I've been wanting to read that one. I'm going to definitely read If I Stay before the movie comes out. I started reading it a few years ago, but after the first 30 pages or so I was like "woah everyone dies, that's too intense" and I put it down. I had no idea what it was about so I wasn't prepared. Now I think I can handle it. I'm scared to read The Divergent series ever since the last book came out and everyone was freaking out. Was thinking about it before that, but I don't think I want to read a series where the ending is so controversial.
Fault in Our Stars made my list too. Allegiant...probably should have included it but I was so in shock and thinking that what was happening wasn't really happening that I didn't cry. Great list! My recent post Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Books That Will Make You Cry
I've heard so much about The Beginning of After, and I've wanted to read it for a while. Great list and thanks for stopping by my blog! :) My recent post Waiting on Wednesday 2.5.14
ReviewsFromABookworm · 579 weeks ago
Diana · 579 weeks ago
My recent post Top Ten Tuesday: Books That Make You Cry
Michelle · 579 weeks ago
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nmhewitt 98p · 579 weeks ago
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Pam@YA Escape · 579 weeks ago
My recent post Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Books That Will Make You Cry
Emma V. · 579 weeks ago
My recent post Waiting on Wednesday 2.5.14