Bookish Scramble

Posted on Friday, December 19, 2014 12:00 AM

Yesterday I hope you guys had a great time with the post Find My Home. Christy and I decided to continue on with the fun and games we are having in the blog. I remember when I was in elementary school I would have loads of fun worksheets around the holidays. Word Scrambles was one those and I would work on it till my little hands couldn't take anymore. Now, it's your guys' turn to have some fun and unscramble our choices of books. Enjoy!

1) noset docl huotc

2)  gurndsoae rilgs

3) vlisre dwsoahs

4) ulrce uybtae

5) enpo drao msuemr

6) reppa otnsw

7) byame yseomad

8) ctaignhc ifer

9) thydoor smut edi

10) het okoetnbo

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Christy is a 27 year old wife, mother, nursing student and self proclaimed book addict. When she's not busy spending time with her family or learning to save lives, you can find her with a book in her hands, and a smile on her face.
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