Can We Get a Cover Change?
I know that there are covers that we all LOVE, hell, I even have a Cover Love shelf on Goodreads. But I got to thinking about those books that we come across with those covers that are freaking ugly not very eye catching. I know that I should judge a book based on what the outside looks like, but I CAN'T HELP IT. If a book is hideous on the outside, it's highly likely that it will never grace the shelves of my collection. I hate to admit that I'm a cover whore and very shallow when it comes to what's on the outside, but there you have it.
Here's just a few of covers that hurt my eyes my least favorite covers
OOHHH, looks it's a light bulb, I must read this book so that I can find out what lights the bulb!!
Don't that weird looking thing over this huge face make you want to pick this book up!
Someone has a sun burn...
Yeah, I don't even know.
Someone played outside in the snow a little too long and ended up with Frost Bite
What do you think of these?