Christy:'s a subject that I'm sure everyone knows about. I'm also sure that everyone knows how easy it is to come across a spoiler that wasn't marked and I don't know about everyone else, but that can absolutely ruin a book or movie or TV show for me. I always try to watch what I say on social media or on the blog because I know how bad I hate when someone spoils something for me.
Personally, I think revealing a major plot point or saying who a character ends up with is a spoiler. I don't necessary think that stating that a book has a cliffhanger is one, nor do I think that mentioning something that happens within the first couple of chapters is a spoiler.
While I don't mind knowing whether a book has a cliffhanger or not, if I'm reading a heartbreaking book, I DO NOT want to know if it ends with a HEA, I think that would just take away some of the heartbreaking feels, and I love my heartbreaking feels.
While I don't mind knowing whether a book has a cliffhanger or not, if I'm reading a heartbreaking book, I DO NOT want to know if it ends with a HEA, I think that would just take away some of the heartbreaking feels, and I love my heartbreaking feels.
Now that I've shared the things I consider spoilers, I really want to get everyone's opinion on what exactly they consider a spoiler. Do you think saying whether or not a book has a happy ending or a cliffhanger is a spoiler? How about mentioning something that happens very early on in a book? Be sure to let us know in the comments!
Erica: Okay, I agree with Christy I hate spoilers. Before when I had my other blog (should I even call it mine because I had it for only a week or so, but whatever) I added spoilers to my review -- not sure why, but I did. Now, after seeing Christy's reviews and the way she writes them I'm glad I leave out any inkling of a spoiler.
So, you ask me what I think is a spoiler? I basically agree with Christy for the most part, but for the first time ever, I think I may disagree with Christy (say whaaaa?).
I hate when I know how the ending is. The whole if it's a happy ending isn't as bad, but when I know that there is a cliffhanger...NO! I don't like knowing that there is a second book or whatever. I want to think that the book is ending. If I know that it isn't I will start guessing where it will end, I will just make myself go insane.
But, just because I go insane doesn't mean it will make others go insane with me. Some people actually like to know whether or not the book will continue on. But, for me that is a spoiler and I hate knowing. So, if any of you recommend me a book - don't tell me how awesome or sad or happy the ending is (hehe).
I want to feel all the feels. I do not want one ounce of my feelings to be torn away because someone says it's good or bad. I want to cry all the tears and eat all the chocolates.
If I find out something at the beginning of the book, that's not bad. I like knowing a little about what others think of the characters before going in so hearing stuff from the beginning actually makes me happy.
So, my fellow book lovers, what do you consider a spoiler?
So, you ask me what I think is a spoiler? I basically agree with Christy for the most part, but for the first time ever, I think I may disagree with Christy (say whaaaa?).
I hate when I know how the ending is. The whole if it's a happy ending isn't as bad, but when I know that there is a cliffhanger...NO! I don't like knowing that there is a second book or whatever. I want to think that the book is ending. If I know that it isn't I will start guessing where it will end, I will just make myself go insane.
But, just because I go insane doesn't mean it will make others go insane with me. Some people actually like to know whether or not the book will continue on. But, for me that is a spoiler and I hate knowing. So, if any of you recommend me a book - don't tell me how awesome or sad or happy the ending is (hehe).
I want to feel all the feels. I do not want one ounce of my feelings to be torn away because someone says it's good or bad. I want to cry all the tears and eat all the chocolates.
If I find out something at the beginning of the book, that's not bad. I like knowing a little about what others think of the characters before going in so hearing stuff from the beginning actually makes me happy.
So, my fellow book lovers, what do you consider a spoiler?
Alex · 520 weeks ago
What do I consider a spoiler? ...
When someone reveals something that happens to a character or the story that I don't expect to happen. That's a spoiler for me because if someone spoils me over something I 100% predicted, I'll just be like, "meh, I knew it was going to happen soon."
My recent post Stacking the Shelves #13
YA Indulgences 55p · 520 weeks ago
For me, I think anything is a spoiler that you find out later in the book than the first chapter.
My recent post The End of Glee
Nara 99p · 520 weeks ago
But of course, basically any other detail about anything that happens past the first couple of chapters of the book is what I'd consider a spoiler. Unless it's something really obvious- although people's definition of obvious varies, so it's often just safer not to mention too many plot details in a review haha
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chucklesthescot · 520 weeks ago
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Lily · 520 weeks ago
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Tessa · 520 weeks ago
Great discussion!
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kimbacaffeinate 80p · 520 weeks ago
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Eileen @ BookCatPin 51p · 520 weeks ago
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bluekaren 41p · 520 weeks ago
Great topic!
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Kristin Belter · 520 weeks ago
Kristin @ Simply Bookish Things
Lucia 94p · 520 weeks ago
Lovin' Los Libros · 520 weeks ago
You guys raise a good point about endings though. I need to watch myself a bit closer on that. Sometimes I'll mention the ending, but I do try to be vague. I might need to examine that even more closely now though...
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kirstymstudio 102p · 520 weeks ago
I don't mind knowing (and don't really classify it as a spoiler) if it has a cliffhanger, because I mean, most series always have cliffhangers, so that's a given. I don't mind knowing about twists either, you know, as long as it doesn't tell you about the twist, just that it was clever or blew your mind, etc.
This isn't really a spoiler, and I know I do put it in my reviews, but I hate knowing beforehand if there's a love triangle, since it usually turns me off the book, especially if it's a bad love triangle.
I think the 'for fans of ____ ____) sometimes can be a spoiler too, which is why I hate them in the synopsis, especially when it's say, Dangerous Girls, because you have a sense of what the story is going to be like, and the twists. :(
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Gabs · 520 weeks ago
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shannonmiz 83p · 520 weeks ago
Now, I don't mind knowing about a cliffhanger, especially if I know the book is a series. Because if it is a known series, I knew everything wasn't going to be wrapped up going into it, I guess.
I don't see spoilers AS much on blogs, but I see SO MANY on Goodreads and Amazon and things like that, when I am not even necessarily looking for a review even, and BOOM, spoiler. And social media, don't even get me started on that ;) Love this topic!
Pam@YA Escape · 520 weeks ago
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Amy M. · 520 weeks ago
I generally try to not put spoilers in my reviews or at least put a notice that it will contain spoilers if there's something major I have to discuss; however, it is difficult to avoid completely when everyone has different opinions on what a spoiler is. It's like how some people love going in blind to a book, where I can't. I have to read the synopsis at least.
Great discussion!
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Laura Plus Books 59p · 519 weeks ago
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Amanda//Butterflies · 519 weeks ago
Natalie · 519 weeks ago
For me spoilers are deaths, who the person ends up with and cliffhangers (not knowing there's a cliffhanger, but the actual cliffhanger) or basically anything that happens after the first half of the book and isn't in the summary. Sometimes I'll ask my friends to spoil me if they've read the book and I'm currently reading it. For example when I was reading Heir of Fire I BEGGED my friend to tell me if anything happened to Rowan and she wouldn't let up but sometimes I just need to know. It's always better to be left un-spoiled though.
Found your blog from Oh, The Books! and now I'm following :)
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