Today on INKED, Rosie from Rosie Reads is showing off her ink!
Name: Rosie
Tell us a little about yourself: I am a 24-year-old American with a reading and blogging obsession. I've been working in the developmentally-disabled/autism field since 2011, and I am currently dubbed an 'educational tutor' full-time. Besides books and blogging, I love spending time with family and friends, and generally exploring the world!
When did you get your first tattoo? Ah, I had just turned 18, and what better way to show my 'independence'? ;)
When did you get your last tattoo? I think it was around my 21st birthday.
Do you have a favorite? Yes! My favorite is the quote on my left foot; the one that says 'Too weird to live, too rare to die." Second place would be my right foot, with my deathbat! I just wish the font of the quote was different...
Is there a special meaning behind any of your tattoos? Really, the only significance any of them hold would be my feet: 'alis grave nil' under the deathbat (which is my favorite band's - Avenged Sevenfold - mascot) means "nothing is heavy to those who have wings" and it is in memoriam of their late, great drummer, Jimmy "The Rev" Sullivan. And 'Too weird to live, too rare to die' is a quote from their song, "Bat Country" which was one of the very first songs I'd heard from them when I saw them at Warped Tour in 2005. I heard them play live and fell in love!
Are you planning to get anymore? Phew, after getting that deathbat on my foot, it's hard to muster up the courage to get anything else (OUCH!). But honestly, I want another. So badly. Just maybe not somewhere so sensitive :) Over the past couple of years, I've become such a big Doctor Who freak that I would absolutely love getting a Galifreyan quote tattoo on my thigh. Maybe something like this...
The second one stands for "It's bigger on the inside!" :D
Tell us a little about your blog: I have been blogging since December of 2013, but I've been reading since I was very young. When I realized I could put both reading and blogging together, I found something I loved extremely. I like reading young adult + new adult books, blogging about them, and meeting others who do the same! My blog is a mix of my personal life and my reading excursions, and I hope everyone finds a little something to enjoy!
Thanks for stopping by, Rosie! We loved seeing your ink!
If you are an author or blogger with a tattoo and are interested in being our guest on INKED, you can find all of the information HERE.
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