Please welcome our guest, Karen!
Name: Karen Blue
Tell us a little about yourself: I have been blogging since 2009. I have 4 kids. I am a nurse and I live in the frozen north. I love reading,and I love blogging. I run the round up sites and I started the round ups to help my fellow bloggers get more traffic and exposure. I keep doing them because I want to have a finger one the pulse of what is happening across the review scene. I love blogs and subscribe to a ton of them.
When did you get your first tattoo? I got my first tattoo when I was 21. It was the rune stones on my arm. Initially it was just one and I added to it. I thought about my tattoo for a long time before I got one. All of my tattoos have a special meaning for me.
When did you get your last tattoo? I got the owl and the writing on my inner arm on the same day two years ago.
Do you have a favorite? My favorite one is the writing on my inner arm. It is my mantra and reminds me to keep writing. I have a story in there somewhere that needs to be told.
Is there a special meaning behind any of your tattoos? Yes, those are rune stones tattooed on my arm. They mean strength, mystery & intuition, and fortune/success. The owl on my side covers a nasty scar that inspired me to become a nurse. The inner arm tattoo is my reminder to write, and my mantra.
Are you planning to get anymore? I want to get the symbol for gemini on my right shoulder (which is the roman numeral II) with a dragon wrapped around it. I was born in the year of the dragon. I have also thought about some way to symbolize my children. They each have symbols since they were born I would doodle by their name (that sounds crazy, right). I just have to figure out how to incorporate them into something cool.
Tell us a little about your books/blog: I am all about honesty. I write about books because I love to read, but I don't sugarcoat my reviews. I read a lot of variety because I get burned out easily (gemini, ya know). On my blog you will find a lot of fiction; dystopia, women’s fiction, sci-fi, horror, romance, na, and ya books. I like to read the occasional non-fiction as well. Self-help, cooking, science, and memoirs are my favorite kinds of non-fiction reads. I love engaging with my readers. Comments make me day!
Is there anything else you would like to add? No, but I do want to say I am looking forward to more Ink on book blogger pages. Bring it!
Thanks for stopping by today, Karen! I absolutely love the owl and the quote on your inner arm!
If you are an author or blogger with a tattoo and are interested in being our guest on INKED, you can find all of the information HERE.
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