Please join me in welcoming author, Nyrae Dawn on the blog today!
Name: Nyrae Dawn
Tell us a little about yourself: I'm a mom, wife, reader, and writer. I'm a romantic at heart, and a lover of tattoos!
When did you get your first tattoo? I got my first tattoo at 32.
When did you get your last tattoo? In December for my 35th birthday.
Do you have a favorite? I love them all!
Is there a special meaning behind any of your tattoos? Most of them, actually. My first tattoo was the dagger. It represents one of my favorite book series--The Black Dagger Brotherhood. I have something to represent three of my favorite brothers in the tattoo. My second was the quill with the quote, "It's never too late to be what you might have been" I got that for my writing. My third was "I feel infinite" which I got for the book, The Perks of Being a Wallflower. My fourth is "Dom" which is my husband's name. My fifth tattoo is "Love always wins" I got it when my book RUSH was released. I'm a passionate supporter of the right to love equally. And my last tattoo is the tree with the quote, "I climbed the tree to see the world" just because that's how I want to live my life.
Are you planning to get anymore? I am. I want to get my daughter's names next. I'm not sure what after that but I'm sure I'll find something. I'd like to get a David Levithan book quote but I'm trying to find the perfect one.

Tell us a little about your books/blog: I write YA & NA romance and coming of age stories. I'm a fan of writing from the male point of view, though not all my books are written that way. I'm a HUGE fan of flawed characters. I believe we're all flawed and I write characters that often showcase that a little more than others :)
Anything else that you would like to add? Thank you for having me!
Thanks for stopping by today, Nyrae! We enjoyed seeing your ink!
If you are an author or blogger with a tattoo and are interested in being our guest on INKED, you can find all of the information HERE.
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