Seven Deadly Sins Tag

Posted on Friday, August 22, 2014 12:30 AM

Seven Deadly Sins

I.was tagged by Kirsty @ Studio Reads to do the Seven Deadly Sins Tag!

Here goes

1.  Greed
What is your most inexpensive book?
My most recent inexpensive book would be Dissonance by Erika O’Rourke, I actually one it off a giveaway on Goodreads so it was free ;)
2.  Wrath
What author do you have a love/hate relationship with?
I can’t think of a specific author that I have a love/hate relationship with off the top of my head *goes to check Goodreads*
After checking Goodreads, I’m going to have to go with Kresley Cole.  She’s really the only one who comes close.  I mean I LOVE the Immortals After Dark series but I really don’t care for her YA series, I can’t even remember the name of it now…the first one was Poison Princess, I think?????
3.  Gluttony
What book have you devoured over and over with no shame?
I’m going to cheat a little on this one (after all I’m a sinner, right?) and go with a series instead of ONE book.  This is hands down the Night Huntress Series by Jeaniene Frost.  It’s my all-time favorite series and I can’t even tell you how many times I have read through it.
4.  Sloth
What book have you neglected due to laziness?
Second Chance Summer by Morgan Matson *sigh* It just looks so thick…
5.  Pride
What book do you talk most about in order to sound like an intellectual reader?
Ok, this may be the hardest of them all because I’m not a classic or nonfiction reader…AT ALL.  Hell, I didn’t even read the assigned classic books in high school.  So, let’s go with…. The Fault in Our Stars, that counts, right????
6.  Lust
What attributes do you find attractive in male or female characters?
Caring and a good sense of humor.  I can get root for any love interest, whether he’s the boy next door, nerd or resident bad boy, as long as he’s caring, has a good sense of humor and doesn’t hold on to things that don’t matter.
7.  Envy
What book would you most like to receive as a gift?
Right Now?  That would HAVE TO BE Isla and the Happily Ever After, but it looks like I’m going to end up buying it as a present to myself…
Now who shall I tag?????
*drumroll please*
Emma @ Awkwordly Emma
Tonyalee @ Lilybloombooks
Michelle @ Pink Polka Dot Book Blog
Lauren @ Between the Pages
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Christy is a 27 year old wife, mother, nursing student and self proclaimed book addict. When she's not busy spending time with her family or learning to save lives, you can find her with a book in her hands, and a smile on her face.

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Isla is definitely a good reason to end a book buying ban. ;) I don't blame you. I probably would myself except...except I really need Heir of Fire paperback soooo I'm probably going to save for it instead. hehe. I love reading about characters with epic senses of humour too!! It's my favourite! And I'm avoiding a lot of books because they're so thick. Heh, I just won The Diviners and omg, it must be at least 500 or 600 pages. o.O Hide me.
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TFiOS totally counts! Ha, I totally cheated with VA, but hey, we can count a series as a whole, right? It's valid. Honest. IT COUNTS.

Ahhh, thicker books are intimidating. I just finished Afterworlds the other day, 600 odd pages in 4 1/2 days. Would've taken me longer If I didn't want to just get it over and done with. Which is bad talking about books like that, haha. But my argument is STOP BEING INTIMIDATING BOOKS.

Funny thing, I just won Isla on goodreads... I KNOW. Sorry. :(
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Such a wonderful tag! I'm actually just writing up my own answers for this tag. :)

I'd love to know what you think of Dissonance. I'm on the fence as to whether or not I want to read it. The Night Huntress series sounds so cool - I think I'll have to check it out sometime. :)

Ahh, I need Isla too! I preordered it, but it hasn't arrived yet - damn Australia being so far away!!

My recent post Five Friday Favourites #16 - Books Read Between April and August
I hope you don't mind if I do this in the comments, since my blog post schedule is full. But thanks so much for tagging me?

1. What is your most inexpensive book? Out of recent purchases, probably All Our Yesterdays. Bought it used from Stacie. :)

2. What author do you have a love/hate relationship with? Ooh, this is a tough one. I'm gonna say Kiera Cass. On the one hand, I think she's adorable and awesome and I do like The Selection trilogy. On the other, the trilogy has a lot of problems, and I feel HC is just starting to milk as much as they can out of the series.

3. What book have you devoured over and over with no shame? All of the Mother-Daughter Book Club series.

4. What book have you neglected due to laziness? Fire & Flood by Victoria Scott. I have an ARC, but I just find other books to read first.

5. What book do you talk most about in order to sound like an intellectual reader? Some Shakespearean plays. I love Hamlet, so I'll discuss that just because, but I'll discuss the merits of others to sound smart.

6. What attributes do you find attractive in male or female characters? Kindness, loyalty, a bit of sarcasm. I'm never attracted to the bad boys of YA, just because I know what it's like to get burned by a player.

7. What book would you most like to receive as a gift? Oh gosh...probably Being Sloane Jacobs or Rose Under Fire. On the ARC side, I'd kill to get my hands on The Young Elites or Black Dove, White Raven.
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1 reply · active 551 weeks ago
I LOVED Fire and Flood! You should definitely try it :) Would love to get a hold of The Young Elites myself!
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Pam@YA Escape's avatar

Pam@YA Escape · 551 weeks ago

Fun post! The love/hate question is really hard, I have no idea what I would answer. You didn't like Poison Princess?? It was a weird read in the beginning but I ended up really enjoying it and absolutely loving the sequel. Oh well! And Isla…it was AMAZING, my favorite of the three. Definitely worth buying as a present to yourself.
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