Source: Publisher via Edelweiss
Publisher: HarperTeen
Publication Date: July 8, 2014
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
You take it for granted. Waking up. Going to school, talking to your friends. Watching a show on television or reading a book or going out to lunch.
You take for granted going to sleep at night, getting up the next day, and remembering everything that happened to you before you closed your eyes.
You live and you remember.
Me, I live and I forget.
But now—now I am remembering.
For all of her seventeen years, Molly feels like she’s missed bits and pieces of her life. Now, she’s figuring out why. Now, she’s remembering her own secrets. And in doing so, Molly uncovers the separate life she seems to have led…and the love that she can’t let go.
My Thoughts:
The Half Life of Molly Pierce had me intrigued from the very beginning. I’m a sucker for psychological thrillers and books like this one is why. The mystery is there from the beginning and it keeps you guessing the entire time.
Molly has been having regular black outs for quite some time, she will wake up somewhere completely difference and have no memory of what has happened during the last few hours. Losing hours of her time freaks Molly out so much that she hides it from everyone else because she’s afraid of what it means.
Molly was a really interesting character and she was very easy to like. I was constantly on my toes trying to figure out what was going on. At the beginning of this story when we are first introduced to what was happening with Molly, I was thinking everything from brain tumor to alien abduction (Daemon, anyone?) but as the story went on it all began to fall into place and I began to put some of the pieces together and figure out what was happening.
I can’t really say too much without spoiling anything but I will say that the mystery unfolds nicely and the pacing was perfect, there was not a boring moment throughout the entire book.
Overall, The Half Life of Molly Pierce is an engaging and fascinating mystery that will keep you enthralled until the very end.
Pam@YA Escape · 561 weeks ago
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