Source: Publisher via Netgalley
Publisher: Bloomsbury Spark
Publication Date: June 24, 2014
My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Charlie is down to her absolute. Total. Last. Resort.
Despite a thoroughly comprehensive list of potential cherry poppers, er…suitors, and careful plotting, Charlie is three weeks into her devirginization campaign, still untouched, and getting desperate. In the movie of her life, this aspiring screenwriter is giving herself a PG, for please, get some.
Her project goes into freeze frame when her mom checks herself into rehab and packs Charlie off to live with her estranged, or just plain strange, grandfather, Monty. How is she supposed to get a date when she has to go pick up his Depends?
Enter Eric, a hot rehab grad on the road to redemption, and the only one who can make Charlie rethink her strategy. The more she gets to know him, the more convinced she becomes that is the one, and not just another to add to the list of people who will abandon her.
In this hilarious and heartbreaking story of one girl’s detoured road to womanhood, Charlie’s list develops a life of its own – right when she realizes there’s so much more to lose.
My Thoughts
When I first read the summary for this book, I was immediately intrigued. I was expecting a book filled with a ton of misadventures and exploits. Unfortunately, that wasn’t the case AT ALL.Charlotte Webb is on a mission to lose her virginity and with the help of her best friend Rachel, or Roach as Charlie calls her, she has come up with a list of devirginizers’ to choose from. However, the list is dwindling fast and Charlie is no closer to having her cherry popped.
While I think this book had everything to make it a fun and quirky read, for me, it feel flat. While I really enjoyed Charlie as a character, I absolutely loved her snarky and sarcastic attitude, and while I hate to say this, she is really the only thing that saved this book for me. Like I said above, I was expecting misadventures but really the only time we actually see Charlie working on her ‘mission’ is in the first few pages and then it just stops. I think if this book would have been more focused on Charlie’s mission mishaps, I would have enjoyed it more.
Another character I liked was Grace, Charlie’s mother’s best friend, although we didn’t get to see a lot of her, she could make me laugh when she did appear in the story. Eric, was just very ‘ehhhh’ for me, I guess I could see the appeal, but to me he didn’t stand out that much.
Overall, My Soon to be Sex Life was a book that I had high hopes for but unfortunately wasn’t what I was hoping for.
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