I'm sure we all have those books that we absolutely LOVED but it seems like they aren't very popular. So I decided to start a feature here on the blog that will allow me to spotlight some books that I have loved that I feel don't get a lot of recognition. My plan for this feature is to share the cover and summary of the book along with the first sentences or paragraphs and if it's a book that I didn't write a review for, I will probably also throw in a few reasons why I loved the book along with links to find out more about the book.
This week's Hidden Treasure is:
15 Minutes by Jill Cooper
I have 15 minutes to save my mother’s life….
15 minutes is all the Rewind Agency gives you in the past, but for Lara Crane it’s enough time to race through the city, find her mother, and stop her from being killed in a mugging that happened over ten years ago.
But that’s not how it happened. The story she’s been told all her life is a lie and when Lara takes a bullet meant for her mother, her future changes forever.
The love of her life acts like a stranger. Her simple life is replaced with a giant house, glamorous clothes and a new boyfriend.
Except someone knows her secret. And he will try to stop her at every turn as she races against the clock to unravel a dangerous conspiracy.
15 Minutes is an edgy high octane YA thriller that can be described as Back to the Future meets Inception where the people Lara trusts change in an instant. She is in a timeline she doesn't understand, and is about to make one fatal mistake as she faces an enemy so familiar, he’s family.
I have fifteen minutes."Lara Crane?"Standing in the sterile waiting room of the time travel agency known simply as Rewind, I turn towards the voice. A redhead technician with a tight ballerina bun offers mea handshake. I've met her before. Her name is Delilah.I should be in second period lab class, but instead I cut. I have something more important to do than completing junior year chemistry."Nice to see you again." After a glance over my shoulder, I follow her through a tiny hallway and into a secure room. I crinkle paper brochures in one hand, and with the other repeatedly tuck my hair behind my ears.Her lips perch together in a tight smile. "You too, Ms. Crane. One of my favorite return visitors."I sit down in the overstuffed black recliner, and when she latches the door, the metallic boom makes my heart skip a beat.This is it. Turning back is not an option.The stark white walls, sparsely covered with posters, make me feel like a trapped rat. Time travel has rules, the posters warn, and I plan on breaking every one. A daughter will do anything for her mother.I have one chance at this, and with my heightened blood pressure, it's clear my body knows it. Once you travel back to a specific time, it's catalogued as off limits. Frequent travel to the same moment, in the same space, causes a rut in space, like pacing across a worn floor. If I fail, if I can't do this, my mother will remain dead forever.
One thing I loved about this book was the fact that it was full of action and it kept you guessing the whole time that you are reading it.
Here's a piece from my review:
Overall, 15 Minutes is an amazing adventure with lots of twists that you won’t see coming. It will have you on the edge of your seat until the very last page.
Pam@YA Escape · 571 weeks ago
My recent post Book Review: The Ring and the Crown by Melissa de la Cruz